Over the past few months, Ive received thousands of emails and comments from people wanting to know how I research all the stocks I trade. How is it possible to narrow down the seemingly thousands of penny stocks to just a few worthy ones? What websites do I most utilize? Whats my daily routine? What variables do I value more or less than others?
Well, now Ive put together this 4-disc six-hour instructional DVD to answer all these questions and to help you learn my research process in detail
Stop wasting hours upon hours searching through irrelevant financial information and market noisetrust me, Ive been there, I did that for the first years, unknowingly wishing for a product exactly like thisso you can focus on what really matters to help you profit from PennyStocking!
Most financial subscription sites would never give away this information, as its valuable stuff and it pays to keep customers in the dark (thus requiring a constant subscription), but my goal isnt just to earn subscription revenue, I actually want you guys to learn so in time you dont need me as youll know everything I know and be totally self-sufficient and profitable (meaning youll not only have great self-confidence, but youll be doing better than the 90-95% of traders who lose year in year out!) (yah the stats in this industry arent pretty)
My guess is once youre armed with the knowledge of information like how do stocks qualify to even make it to daily watchlist and my daily research routine (which has been refined over and over again throughout my decade-long trading career, outlined in detail for nearly 3 hours through the use of screen capture software), this instructional DVD package and help teach you which websites and variables can be ignored and which are most important cutting hours off your workload and making you more efficient!
Screenshots (Click to enlarge)
Timothy SykesTIMfundamentals Contents: Videos